Dear For-uhm Boredz readers,
We appreciate all of the traffic you bring to our site. In addition, we enjoy all of the wonderful emails, comments, suggestions, and of course, life wouldn't be complete without the occasional (hah) hatemail.
However, we here at Foruhm-Boredz feel that we would be remiss in our duties as people, if we didn't provide some sort of response to the fresh batch of hatemail we recently received, centered around an issue some believe to be 'beaten to death like an aids infected camel', to quote one For-uhm Boredz fanatic.
Readers who experience an elevation in blood pressure, temperature, anxiety, or generally experience discomfort during the partaking of the humor contained in this blog, or our sister blog, Life Inside the Net, should consider either not partaking in the content, or perhaps having it filtered for them by another reader, who can better understand your illness.
We would be saddened if any of our readers were to experience a coronary condition, aneurism, sudden loss of consciousness due to elevated blood pressure, or any other discomfort while reading our blog.
If you should decide to continue to partake, despite any pre-existing conditions which might be impacted when viewing satire aimed at making peoples behavior as obvious as possible, so people can ridicule them as they deserve, then we feel obligated to let you know that we can take no responsibility for your health and safety while doing so.
For-uhm Boredz does not recommend reading this blog while standing, driving, or doing anything or value (especially if you're suppose to be working, you know who you are......busted!).
Bambee Pelous and the For-uhm Boredz Crew