For-uhm Boredz is a satirical cartoon which peers into the lives, both online and offline, of various fictional characters who frequent three fictional internet communities... Curb Feelers, Phuzzy Pheelings, and the Isle of Misfit Posters.
Any resemblance to actual persons or Internet personas are entirely in your mind, unless you're guilty of something you'd like to share with the rest of us..... you know who you are. Naughty.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Introducing Dr. Scott - Curb Feelers resident medic
Dr. Scott - Curb Feelers' resident medic
Dr. Scott is full of piss and vinegar, jumping the fence to stand beside his friends, even when they are less than accurate.
Driven to have the last word, even though you can barely make out what he's saying.