Monday, August 29, 2011

Lester allies with the Wretched Mister Whozits

WMW: Listen, I can probably get down there in a few days. I'll use my super mad BSD connections to couch hop to your place. My tent has a hole in it though.

Lester: It's cool you can crash on the couch. Till the guys come to take it on Friday. Rent-a-Debit is pissed I'm six weeks behind, and they're taking all my shit. 

WMW: Just don't open the door. They can't break it down.

Lester: My Mom will just let them in when I'm gone. 

WMW: I'll bring a sleeping bag. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

(Un-) Welcome to BootyBurger

Spitz: Welcome to BootyBurger, can I take your order?

Lester: (BUMP).......(BOOOOOM)......(BUMP)......(BA-BOOOOOOOOM)......

Spitz: Hello?

Lester: Give me a BootyBuster special (BA-BOOOOOOM), and a (BUMP) large (BA-BOOOOOOOOM)

Spitz: Lester, you can't be here man, they'll call the cops.

Lester: No way man, I'm not (BA-BOOOOOOOM), (TICK-TICK) just fired. (BUMP - BOOOOOOOOM) 

Police Officer: Excuse me sir could you pull over and step out of the vehicle.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Introducing Oblivia, wannabe Scene Queen

You'd think a middle aged housewife would have something to do with her time besides aspire to be one of the biggest gossip whores on the planet, but you'd be applying common sense and the Interwebz cannot sustain much of that.

On the outset, you might wonder why Oblivia hits the bowtox a bit hard, but in reality, she suffers from a rare disorder in which the bubble of air in side her skull is slowly expanding as she ages, poking out little blurbs and bubbles which deform her forehead and facial features.

Sadly, someday she will pop and those around her will be horribly traumatized. Until then, her bimbastic way of missing the point and cleverly burning you with insults that have no relevance to the subject at hand will be with us, as she aspires to take the Scene Queen of the Interwebz crown.