Monday, April 25, 2011

The coming of Zero Burn.....

Overheard on vent.....

Zero Burn: Now that we have sweet hacker handles, we can register at IoMP. Once we get online, we'll know who all of the information on who's who.

Acid Reflux: Rub my nipples! Wait, wut? 

Zero Burn: They know who they are, and now I need to know who they are. Buffy, Nipply, LaTigra, Tits McGee, and Cunt McMoldyvag are all the SAME BITCH! Then I can get back at her for being mean to me in private. That stupid whore is going down!

Acid Reflux: How we gonna do that boss?

Zero Burn: I bought this Alt Detektur from some drunk idiot at a truck stop. I don't think he knew what he even had. But now it's mine, and we're going to crush those evil whores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Larry haz a plan.....

Private Message Exchange....

BigDawg: You didn't take the IP Tracer out of the server room did you?

Maybe. It's useless anyhow. 

 BigDawg: What did you do with it?

Larry: I sold  the alt detector to IoMP. 

BigDawg: What? We don't have an alt detector.

Larry: Not anymore I done sold it. IP Tracer, alt detector, it's all the same. 

BigDawg: This isn't going to end well.


That Buffy is a real problem.....

Private Message Exchange.....

MAC: Buffy one-upped us again. She told everyone she was Larry, and posted details of my bot to IoMP. Now Larry is banned.

Dirty Sanchez: That super-smart she-demon! What are you going to do about it?

 MAC: I've activated the next wave, they've begun breaking down their morale. It was easy enough to sprinkle in some half-truths and get the rumor mill crunching.

Dirty Sanchez: You better hope so stupid. Or you're going to sucking sweat off my sack for the next century! You're shenanigans are beginning to bother me.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

GUS Re-visist the rules.....

Posted on Isle of Misfit Posters, Curb Feelers, and Phuzzy Pheelings.....

GUS: I am scho schick of dis nonshense with that lonely bitch LilyAnne. All day long callin' mah housch and letting the motha fukin' phone ring. Brrrrring. Brrrrrrring.

When I answer it, is she happy.... fuck no. She's got PMS. Permanenant motormouf syndrum. All day long, dis bisch is makin' fun of me, dat bisch is makin' fun of me. I got buschted sendin' emailsch to dat bisch, everyone's a bisch but LilyAnne. Poundin' on dat agree button like dere's a chocolate inside if you schmash it enuff.

Now we poschted the rulesch. Wanna no wut da rulesch say? LilyAnne cannot post on the forum, ever again. And since you're such a smart motha fuka you can't schend anymore hatemails eitha. LilyAnne, cannot send Buffy emailsch, eva again.

Those are the rulesch, posted on the Internetz. So suck it bisch!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A.I. my big red ass.....

Private Message Exchange......

Dirty Sanchez: I told you to get those damn things under control! The little boy has stolen your goodies, who are running around like wild wildebeests, dry-humping everything in sight.

MAC: They were never designed to be intelligent, only to regurgitate and mimic. Dr. Scott says he doesn't know how Lester took control.

Dirty Sanchez: You said they would adapt and learn but it's running the same program they started with.

MAC: Dr. Scott and Yo-Yo disabled her remote upgrade capabilities after they caught us posting their gangbang videos on the Internet under Larry's name.

Dirty Sanchez: Just fucking fix it! Wait, gangbang videos? Can I get a link to those.....